Exercise and Fasting

My experience with fasting, exercise, and electrolytes.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nutritionist, or an expert in fasting or exercise. I am learning as I go and your experiences may vary. I highly recommend contacting IDM for expert coaching and advice.

A common question I get is about exercise and fasting. My response is simple – I always exercise in a fasted state. This is a rule of mine. Mark Sisson and Dr. Fung talk about this topic in their respective books. The challenge I found is how to apply this in the real world. How do you apply not eating and exercising? This sounds odd, but it is a difficult balance of water, electrolytes, and mental strength.

Some History

If you are curious, you can read more about my journey here.

For years, I have followed the conventional wisdom of fueling before, during and after workouts using a heavy carbohydrate approach. I used, and loved Infinit Nutrition and still use some of their products. When I started fasting, the journey to being a fat adapted athlete, and moving to a Primal lifestyle (April 2018), required me to figure out my nutritional and electrolytes plan for endurance endeavors (1/2 marathons and 70.3 triathlons).

My experience to become fat adapted took time but wasn’t as physically difficult as I expected. The hardest part was trusting I didn’t need fuel before, during and immediately after my workouts as I was instructed to do so for many years. It was also difficult to break the habit. Once I was free of my habit, it was liberating to not worry about fuel (<3-hour workouts). My body provided all the fuel I needed. What about water and electrolytes?

My Electrolyte Playbooks

I have always struggled with getting my electrolytes right. I added Salt Sticks capsules in addition to the Infinit fuel I was using which helped, but I still dealt with cramps and GI issues. In my transition to being fat adapted and incorporating fasting in my lifestyle, I worked with an IDM coach to develop a playbook for the right balance of water & electrolytes. Over the last 6 months, I have settled on the following playbooks:

Extended Fast Playbook

  • At a minimum, 5 grams of sodium throughout the day using The Right Stuff
  • During exercise, one to two packets of the Right Stuff (1.7 grams of sodium) each with 16 ounces of water per packet
  • 400 milligrams of magnesium in the morning
  • Drink water, green tea, coffee throughout the day using thirst as a guideline

The EF playbook is a starting point. I’ll increase to 9 – 10 grams of sodium if it is warm weather, I am working out more than an hour a day or sweating a lot.

Note: I incorporate a 42 – 72 hour fast twice a month depending on my travel schedule, stress, travel, etc.

Intermittent Fast Playbook

My EF and IF playbooks are similar, but for IFs the sodium intake is primary from food and there is a less of an emphasis on counting the grams:

  • During exercise, one packet of The Right Stuff each with 16-20 ounces of water per packet
  • 400 milligrams of magnesium in the morning
  • Drink green tea, coffee, water throughout the day using thirst as a guideline

Like my EF playbook, this is a starting point and I adjust accordingly.

Note: I use 16/8, 18/6 and 20/4 IF patterns

Final thoughts

The biggest lesson learned in developing my playbooks is how to listen to my body and to deal with the warning signals before my body raises the white flag. My warning signs are fatigue, nausea, and dizziness. Sometimes the warning signals are very subtle and hard to hear, so my advice is to learn what those signs are for you and learn how to listen.

As stated earlier, my playbooks are starting points, and I adjust according to how I feel, environmental conditions, stress, etc. Whenever in doubt I break my fast. I never try to push through a fast or a workout if my body is giving me warning signs.

Important Note: For longer workouts (3+ hours), I generally start in a fasted state, but will use Spike Free in addition to electrolytes.

Recommend Readings

My battle with Insulin Resistance

I am an athlete and have been one since I can remember. Before high school, I participated in karate, soccer, basketball, and baseball. When I entered high school, I began weightlifting, jogging, and cycling. In my 30s, I added swimming to the mix with the goal of participating in triathlons. I have since completed more 1/2 marathons (13.1 miles) that I can remember, ran a full marathon (26.2 miles), participated in three 1/2 Ironman’s (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride, and 13.1 mile run) and trained for a full Ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and 26.2 mile run). At my peak training, I was working out 18 hours a week. Regardless of my passion for fitness, I have always struggled with my weight.

In 2010, I participated in my first triathlon (sprint distance) – I was hooked. I signed up for a 1/2 Ironman shortly afterward, hired a coach and continued to expand my knowledge of the nutritional needs of an athlete. As I applied what I learned, and my training increased, my weight started to go up. I was alarmed. I did what most determined people do and what my doctors told me to do – work out more and eat less. I was exercising up to 16 hours a week, but my weight continued to increase, I was getting slower and was struggling with injuries. I decided to seek help.

I found a doctor that focused on athletes with metabolic issues like what I was experiencing. She took the time to get to know me and didn’t tell me what I had heard so many times in the past – exercise more, eat less. She spent hours analyzing the results of my blood work, talked to other experts, worked with my coach, and sought answers. She was driven to find why I could not lose weight. Roughly a year after completing my first ½ Ironman, 2012, I had gained 15 pounds and was diagnosed with insulin resistance.

My doctor and I spent 7 years trying to understand why my body wouldn’t respond to the latest and greatest science and medications for insulin resistance. At one point, I was on five different medications including one that required shots before every meal. Nothing was helping, and things continued to get worse. It was not a pleasant point in my life, but I was convinced that my doctor would find the right solution – eventually.

My turning point came early in 2018. I was training hard for another 1/2 Ironman and following the well-publicized and scripted nutrition plan of heavy carbs, quality protein, and limited fats. I followed the nutritional guidelines of fuel before, during, and immediately afterward training. Based on my body weight and exercise volume, I was taking in 300-400 grams of carbs of day and still being told I was not eating enough all while my weight was continuing to climb.

Race day came, and I had trained hard, but I was at my heaviest since 2005 at 227lbs and at roughly 32% body fat. I did what the experts told me to do, and nothing was helping – it was only getting worse. It was demoralizing, and I didn’t know where to turn. I had spent over $20K on my doctor and medications (insurance covered nothing) and spent years injecting and taking various prescriptions that were going to “fix” my insulin resistance. To this day I wonder what long-term damage these medications may have done to my body.

My wife, a former triathlete and one hell of a swimmer, had found Dr. Fung’s blog. She encouraged me to read it. To say I was hesitant is an understatement. I had followed one doctor for many years, and I was very reluctant to follow another. She continued to encourage me and one day I started reading through his posts. I was intrigued. I bought one book and read it nearly in a single sitting. Bought another book, read it within a week. What Dr. Fung had to say made sense. I knew a lot about insulin resistance and how metabolism worked but was new to fasting. What I loved about Dr. Fung’s approach is that it is supported by science, has been around for centuries, practiced by cultures all over the world, and best of all, itwas free. After spending thousands of dollars on doctor’s visits and prescriptions, this was really encouraging. I had to try fasting.

In April 2018, I tried my first fast – 16 hours. I did this daily for a week and found it to be much easier than expected. The following week I tried an 18-hour and 24-hour fast. It was challenging, but doable. After a couple of weeks of following an 18/6 fasting schedule, I completed a 5-day fast and the following week completed a 6-day fast. The results were immediate and shocking. Symptoms of low blood sugar disappeared, the fear of needing to have food nearby “just in case” was gone, the weight started to drop, and I could visually see my body changing. I signed up for IDM coaching sessions to help guide my fasting schedules. Within a month, I had dropped 10 pounds, incorporated fasting into my daily life and switched to a keto/paleo lifestyle.

Working with my IDM coach, we developed my fasting and weight goals. My fasting goal was simple – 72-hour fast each week followed by an 18/6 eating window until I hit my target weight and body composition. When I eat, don’t count calories, eat real foods, and use Keto as my nutritional guide. I set three weight goals: 195, 185 and, in my mind an impossible goal of 175. I had an additional goal of becoming a fat adapted athlete. Something I didn’t think it would work for me, but I wanted to strive for it. After years of the triathlon and running community “educating” me on the right way to eat (carb loading, fuel every 15 minutes, etc.) the idea of going for a 2+ hour workout and only needing electrolytes were unimaginable to me, but I knew what I had done before didn’t work.

With the guidance of Dr. Fung and my IDM coach, I learned what an incredibly powerful tool fasting and real foods are. Within six months, I accomplished all my goals, including what I thought was impossible – weighing in at 175lbs and being a fat adapted athlete. I dropped 15% body fat with no muscle loss. All the weight loss was fat.

It is now seven months since my first fast and the discovery of IDM and Dr. Fung. I am the lightest and fittest I have ever been in my life. I haven’t had signs of low blood sugar since late April, I train about 10 hours a week and only use electrolytes and water. I fast daily (usually a 16/8 or 18/6), follow a keto & paleo lifestyle and continue to drop fat and gain muscle. I literally owe my life (and thousands of dollars) to Dr. Fung and the IDM program. I can now look to the future and focus on continuing to improve my health, becoming a better athlete, and having a healthy relationship with food.

To other athletes, I highly recommend following Mark Sisson, reading Primal Endurance and listening to the Primal Endurance podcasts. Mark is an accomplished athlete and has written several very good books. Mark also has published several very good cookbooks.

My tips & tricks – your mileage may vary

  • Learn to love Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)! 1-2 tablespoons & water every morning
  • Exercise always in a fasted state
  • When you eat, enjoy it and eat real foods. Don’t count calories.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself and learn how to “cheat.”
  • Fasting can be very hard, more mental than physical. Stay busy, drink ACV, and Pique Teas. This is mostly a mental game and your mind wants you to be comfortable. Fasting is not comfortable. When I thought I would have to stop my fast because of hunger or the desire to eat, I went for a walk, raked leaves, did something to take my mind off it and I learned I could push through. Note: Any time I didn’t feel well (usually because of lack of electrolytes) I broke my fast.
  • There is no right way to fast. Learn what works for you and your body.
  • This is my lifestyle – not a fad.