UntitledYou have found my personal site. It is not terribly exciting, but since you are here, let me tell you a little about me and why I started this site.

For over 20 years, I have been in the IT profession. I am passionate about bringing technical and business teams together to solve problems. Sometimes that means updating technology to meet the business need. Other times it means changing the business to meet the technology. Most of the time, however, it is a compromise – business and technology find a middle ground. This is where my professional passion lies is in finding that middle ground, figuring out and implementing the solution. I have worked in most technology stacks over the years, but at my core, I am a database developer. There is power in data. I work with teams to understand systems are more powerful than the processes they support and to reap the benefits of the data collected.

On a personal note. I am married and live just outside of Seattle. I am an Oregon native but have lived over half of my life in Seattle now and consider it home. I am an amateur athlete with a passion for triathlons, HIT and strength training. I enjoy training, comradery, and participating in events such as half marathons and half Ironmans. As much as I would love to be a professional athlete, my body does not share that desire. I am only competing against myself which I am good with. When I am not working, training or relaxing, I love to explore new foods, photography, and travel especially Europe and Mexico.

This site, like my life, is a work in progress – consider it in a constant state of draft. Always changing, revamping, and finding ways to improve. Feel free to drop me a line.